The content of your website may speak volume, but what separates other websites from being successful is not what is being said- it is how it is being said. If the website that you are trying to promote is overly inundated with information and products with a complex architecture structure, online users may become bored and less attracted to the product or service they were trying to search for.
Also, people do not want to be sold a bill of goods, and they might feel that way if what is being advertised leads them to a website that creates a complicated user experience. What if I was selling a car that has the best features and asked interested people to come to my house to check out the car. It would benefit me to mow the grass and possibly repair some of the outside structures of my house. The reason is not just to sell the car, but to also display that the car had been cared for by a responsible owner. The same thing should be applied to the website; it is not just the products or services that are being sold- it is also the identity and brand of the company that is selling.
As an SEO manager, it is your responsibility to seek out multiple channels of communication in order to create connection points that online users use to connect to your website. One connection point that offers multiple levels of communication is social media. Utilizing social media can generate conversation and aims for a community of people. It is important that SEO managers be specific when trying to connect with the audience. It takes a lot more work when aiming specifically, but aiming specifically can create a “tidal wave” effect. Knowing your products and/or services aids in finding niche customers that may be more invested in giving your company the “time and day” of checking out what you are offering.
Emailing and responding is another way of creating a connection. After gaining some attention from the general public, people may inquire about characteristics or functionality of what is being offered. It is important that the SEO manager creates a list of those who have shown interest because whether it is behind a desk, cashier, or even your own computer desk, customer service is still a “make or break” characteristic of a successful company. Creating a list and finding the time for a personal response can show not only the customer but also those that the customer influences. The prospective customer has the ability to write reviews or recommend friends.
Keep the title of your content short and sweet. Modern development has taught our society that things are more immediate. Having a long title that may turn into the infamous three periods (…) can deflect people from “clicking.” Make sure that the title of your content is between 4 to 8 words; there may be some exceptions to this rule, but for the most part, keep it simple.
Not everything has to be in text format to raise the ranking of your websites. Mix up your content at times by utilizing flash or by using videos. Utilizing other forms of media can help draw the attention from the public. It also reflects on the creativity of the product being represented. If the product or service is convenient, what says that better than a video showing the ease of use. Knowing your audience can also aid when thinking about what type of media to use. If the product or services that are being represented caters to children utilizing a children’s theme video or flash presentation an help cater to that audience.
Search engines may be complicated to understand, but in its simplest form, search engines work by creating a list of websites dependent upon what is being typed in the search bar. Of course, the rule is moderation. Stuffing your content with keywords that are unrelated to your content can do more harm than help. Your metrics are not solely based on the number of people that are visiting the website; it is also based on other metrics such as how long they stay and the links they click. Write your content naturally, but be sure to use keywords in your content and have your content highlight those keywords.
For more insight on SEO management, please visit www.andrewknightnewcanaan.info. Andrew Knight New Canaan is your lead man in creating internet traffic to your website. He is unlocking his secrets to the world to help anyone wanting to create profit in the new venturing of SEO management.